Q: What majors can apply to the CalTeach program?

Students majoring in the 5 majors listed below can apply. 

  • Mathematics with Concentration in Mathematics for Education/Secondary Teaching Credential
  • Biology/Education with Secondary Teaching Credential
  • Chemistry with a Concentration in Chemistry Education with Secondary Teaching Certification
  • Physics with Concentration in Physics Education with Secondary Teaching Credential
  • Earth System Science with a Concentration in Geosciences Education with Secondary Teaching Certification.
Q: What if I am not one of the majors accepted by this program but I want to become a teacher? 

A: Most teaching credential programs are post-graduate and between 1-2 years. If interested, UCI also offers a graduate program called the M.A.T. program where you can earn a Master’s Degree with a teaching credential. This program is different from the CalTeach program, which is an undergraduate program.

Q: What is a single-subject teaching credential?

A: A single-subject teaching credential is a teaching credential that allows educators to teach a specific subject in secondary education (middle school or high school). Research the education sciences major if you’re interested in pursuing a multiple-subject teaching credential to teach elementary.

Q: How do I join the CalTeach Program? What do I do if I’m a transfer student?

A: First enroll in our introductory course, PS 5/BS 14. You officially declare to be in the CalTeach program your second year. You do not need to continue taking CalTeach courses after the introductory course if you do not wish to declare as part of the program. If you’re a transfer student, look at resources here and feel free to reach out to our CalTeach Advisors.

Q: Where do I complete fieldwork? Do I have to find my own placement/school site?

A: You do not need to find your own school site. You are placed by one of our Master Teachers at a local school site, depending on what course you are taking (elementary, middle school or high school fieldwork). CalTeach focuses on placing students at high-need schools in districts like SAUSD, NMUSD, GGUSD, IUSD, AUHSD and HBUHSD.

Q: What does the course load look like?

A: The course load is similar to double-majoring. On average, you will have one education course every quarter. See sample 4-year plans here for every major in the program. 

Q: What are some benefits of joining the CalTeach Program?

A: You receive student support from our CalTeach faculty, financial support for credential exams and transportation, and community support from the CalTeach advisory board. Contact the CalTeach Advisors to learn more about student and financial support and contact calteach@uci.edu to learn more about community support.

Q: Is there a community within the CalTeach program? How can I make friends?

A: Yes! The Student Advisory Board regularly puts on social events that all students are encouraged to attend for those who want to network and socialize with other future educators. Follow our social media to get updates on future social events!